dah lama tak update this blog..so sorry..
Busy with my new life
Maybe some of my friends out there already know that
I will become a MAMA this year..
Yes...I will become a MAMA this coming April
tak sabar nak jumpa my first baby
A lot of new experience during pregnant period. maybe next time I will write about that.
Btw, here I wanna tell my experience having medical check up in Malaysia and Japan..
Opsss!..Forgot to tell that I'm in Japan right now.ihiksss..
Dunno until when will be here..
BUT..I LOVE here so much...don't want to move back to Malaysia.
早速ですが、 (let's see my point for today)..
Malaysia's Antenatal Record Book
Size : half size of A4 paper
TAK MENARIK langsung..
Japan's Antenatal Record Book
CUTE right ?..with disney character
perbezaan size
just nice..siap ada cover lagi.
Inside the book..is too cute with baby mickey and minnie character
Comel kan?..
almost all information about pregnancy and baby ada ditulis dalam buku ni
segala suntikan or any medical check-up that berkaitan ngan mother and baby akan direkodkan
dalam this book. so convenience..
Hisashiburi Anym...Omedetou on expecting your first child. Die masih bertapa kat Australia ni...interestingly both of us will be a mother to a dragon baby this year together. Hope this coming spring you have a chance to continue gardening. Die bersalin anak kedua sebab gardening senang bersalin. DIANA@Malay-Kadazan Girl
anym omdetou.. diana pon preggy ??? waaa omedetouuu.. anym skrg stay kt mana? x dtg tokyo ke? aitai naa.. teringin nk tgk anym memboyot hehe
hisashiburi!! Alhamdulillah tak lama lagi dah nak ada baby :D kitaorg dah agak dah Anym mesti aa kat nihon sekarang :D apa pun take care...banyakkan berjalan nak kt bersalin nanti...tp bukan jalan2 kaimono ok...masa bersalin jgn menjerit :D
Hehhe.. Best nyer. Comel sgt buku mickey & minnie tu.. Take care.. Rindu cikgu.. Ala.. Jgn laa x blik kl. Kitorg rindu kat cikgu taw..
Hanim... best2.. nnti sebaya la anak kita, insyaAllah :D
Nk besalin kt sana ka?
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