sambungan weekend's story...
Dalam post lepas ada cerita pasal PC Fair kan. ⇒PC Fair story here
So disebabkan tak boleh kluar duit, dan dah bayar deposit on saturday..
hari Ahad, kitarang kena gi PC Fair nak bayar balance and ambik "benda" tu
Kalau yang pernah pergi PC Fair sure tau keadaan yang sesak giler and terpaksa buat tawaf dulu baru la samapi tempat yang nak ditujukan..
Disebabkan booth tu nyer problem gak sebab tak boleh terima payment by international credit card. So I asked for "VIP Pass" for Sunday.
We got the "VIP service".
So my shopping on Ahad was very fun and easy.
best shopping, takder orang boleh masuk hall, only us
Me : Malaysia and Japan is different, honey. I know that my characters are different when we're at Japan. I have no choice or else cause me stress. Malaysia's customer service is very bad!!
After finished at PC Fair, we went to Jusco for groceries shopping. My groceries shopping is only once a week whether on Saturday or Sunday.
On the way back to my house, at my condo's gate...
our car's window was stuck !!
OH Sh*t!
on that time, I start feel stressed. I really hate when this car having any problems.
because I hate to go to car's workshop..Sometimes you have to wait there up to 3H.
AND today is SUNDAY!
the workshop is closed..
when you car's window can't close, sama la macam menjemput "tetamu", come and take anything
you want from my car...ARGhhhhhhh!!!
DAN today I need to send my anak saudara balik hostel. buatnyer tengah jalan hujan lebat..banjir la dalam kereta. So, terpaksa la hantar dia awal hari nie..
Sebelum hantar my anak saudara, we went to Jusco again to buy a car's cover sheet.
Buatnyer tengah jalan..MALU.
so called la insuran company suruh diarang hantar orang datang tolong.
BODOH punya service..masa called kata 45 minit sampai...
tunggula kita 45minit..tak sampai-sampai jugak..then called balik..
nak tau apa dia kata..
"Sorry ma, itu jumper sama bateri kita tak ada aaa..baru saja tadi dapat cari itu barang..baru itu tadi saya punya budak keluaq pigi lu punya tempat.tunggu lagi 30minit........"
me : terus letak phone, malas nak dengar alasan bodoh lagi.
Apasal la bengap sangat.. kalau nko dah buat bisnes service bateri, sekurang-kurangnya nko kena la ada jumper..and bateri mesti la ada...ini bateri pun takdak..takdak nko buat bisnes apa???? bisnes b*p*k ayam???
TENSION!!!!! 早く日本に戻りたい!
I don't want to stay here anymore!
Kesian kat my anak saudara. pukul 8 malam baru dia sampai asrama. sepatutnya kena daftar masuk before pukul 6 petang..Hopefully dia tak kena denda apa-apa.
Itulah tragedi hari Ahad
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♪ Japanese words of the day ♪
aisya-ga-mata-kosyou-ka ?
Your beloved car is broken again ?
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