Hari isnin adalah hari untuk menceritakan apa yang berlaku masa weekend
I had a very stresssssss week for minggu lepas..nanti la cerita..belum bersedia nak diceritakan lagi..
Jadinya..untuk hilangkan stress..kenalah buat sesuatu benda baru..bila sampai part buat benda baru nie...as usual n lagi lagi dari my idea..Mr.Suzuka akan susah hati..hihihi
Tapi berbeza kali nie...keep continuing baca this cerita..then u will know the story
Dah lama ajak Mr.Suzuka gi Pavilion, tapi semua orang tau kan..parking kat situ mahal..lagi pun yang paling pentingnyer ..bukannya ada apa pun yang mampu dibeli kat situ.
Ntah tertiba Mr.Suzuka setuju nak gi Pavilion atas alasan nak survey my purse. Dah lama Mr.Suzuka dok suruh tukar purse..apa taknya..my purse tu tunggu masa jer nak berkecai..
perbualan di salah satu butik
: how much your budget?
: maximum is 3 digit's RM.
: ha?? so expensive ... i never have such expensive purse in my life.
are you sure you wanna spend it just for one purse?
: yup..because we have to find a good quality and a good quality items
are always expensive..then you can use it for many years.
: for me.. just wasting money la.
: nope..your shopping style is always wasting money..
you always bought a cheap one and only last for maximum 1 year and
then you have to find a new one. for me, you're wasting your time to
find a new one too.
: ehh...means i need to use it for many years? i don't like your idea.
: not for all things you have to do like that..like purse, watch, shoes...
: wait..wait..just know you said shoes right?
Oh no..please don't do like this to me
: hahhaaha..i'm just joking..i know la..
women love to suit their shoes with their dress
: ..(nasib baik joking jer..kalau tak, tak berasap la dapur..mogok..)...
--- after a few minutes ---
: how about this? I love the design and the quality is not bad.
: hm..i agree with you..how much?
: RM xxxX.oo
: who will pay for that price?
: You la..just know you said that a good quality items are always expensive.
this must be very good quality..
: i said until 3 digit's RM..or you want to pay for the 4th digit's RM ?
: hihihihihi...
Dalam dok berkira-kira pasal harga parking kereta..5 jam lebih kitarang kat sana.. satu bangunan Pavilion tu kitarang teroka..ni semua pasal nak beli satu purse jer..
Last-last satu pun tak beli
Carbonara spaghetti : RM13.90
Mr.Suzuka's lunch menu
Nasi campur : RM 9.50
my lunch menu..lidah melayu..
dalam banyak banyak gerai kat situ..
nasi campur jugak yang jadi pilihan..
We love the food court kat Pavilion..banyak choice of foods and still comfortable nak duduk makan kat situ..Ada japanese food, mamak, that, korean, western..and banyak lagi..
bertambah lagi satu tempat makan for weekend..
rasa makanan yang diorder pun OK-OK..
AND..Mr.Suzuka pun agree nak datang lagi..tapi just for makan-makan jer..
NO MOrE shopping at Pavilion..
parking is too expensive..we paid RM12 just for parking on that day
shopping at Pavilion
belt : RM26.00
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