Friday, May 20, 2011

Nagoya station

This story is just for my memories. I dunno what will happen to me in the future..just wanna left my sweet-sour memories here for my tatapan masa tua.So jangan berprasangka buruk..

********* My Love Story *********

Balik kerje dalam keadaan tension n penat. 

Nak buat apa pun malas..Selalunyer sebelum tido, layan internet dulu
Baca news, masa tu ada check friendster and check email..


Got email from Mr.Suzuka.

Bila dah baca mail, 


rupanye Mr.Suzuka asked me 
whether I have any information pasal study kat overseas ke tak..

Ingatkan pasal apa la tadi ek??

Memang masa keje sesama dulu, Mr Suzuka ada bgtau minat dia yang nak sambung
belajar kat overseas.Tapi tak sangka la bersungguh-sungguh betul nak sambung belajar.
(inilah salah satu sebab kenapa me suka dengan Mr.Suzuka. 
Apa2 kerje sekalipun, bersungguh-sungguh. terlalu berbeza with me..
I'm only hangat-hangat うんち にわとり2 jer..hiihihi 顔)

So, we keep in touch again after lost contact agak lama..
We discussed about this by アゲェ↑↑ and 携帯 only.

Then one day, kitarang pun plan to have dinner together.

I'm took a train to meet Mr.Suzuka at Nagoya Station

I was so nervous on that time

Mr.Suzuka as usual with his serious face

What happened after this?? ニコニコ

_to be continue...

********* My Love Story *********

おとめ座おとめ座 -おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座
♪ Japanese words of the day ♪ 

日本 久しぶりのデートだ
口 Hisashiburi-no-deto-da 

アメリカ This is my first date in ages
おとめ座おとめ座 -おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座 - おとめ座


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