Still remembered about my previous love story section
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********* My Love Story *********
kerana we were in same group, so kami selalu jugak berbual masa rehat, tapi only sebagai office-mate. Lagipun, on that time I like someone else..That guy look like Kimura Takuya. Bohongla kalau sape kata tak suka kat mamat nie..
mamat nie playboy..hahahha
Playboy pun playboy la. asal boleh bagi semangat nak gi kerje. and hilang stress kerje bila tgk muka mamat tu..
Kimura Takuya |
I told about this to my husband and he laughed at me. Memang patut kena gelak pun..takkan la si mamat iras Kimura Takuya tu nak kan ke me yang selekeh nie..By the way, I'm lucky married to my husband.
You wanna know why right??
SABAR..kisah cinta ni masih panjang.
I'm happy working at here even though stress and tak banyak masa nak bergembira. because I have friendly officemates here. termasukla my husband.
After kerje kat sini about 1 year I changed my kena la pindah company. So sad..but I have my own journey yang masih jauh lagi..At this time, me and my husband takder pape hubungan. I don't have his number and he don't have mine.
At my new office, I was so stressed. Kerje tak best, officemates pun tak best. Bayangkanla you are the only girl dalam group ni. Dah la tu, semua mamat-mamat kat sini skema n takder iras macam Kimura Takuya..
BOSAN tahap gaban..!
bila diingatkan balik..macam tak percaya I can continue worked at there. At this new office, keje bz giler..pantang ada masa cuti, mesti cover tido..
bila diingatkan balik..macam tak percaya I can continue worked at there. At this new office, keje bz giler..pantang ada masa cuti, mesti cover tido..
_to be continue...
********* My Love Story *********
naked door
Di sebabkan satu tingkap nie rosak, satu hari dok "melengung" jer kat bengkel hari Isnin lepas. Last- last tak siap jugak, kena tinggal kereta kat bengkel..Rugi satu hari..
Nasib baik service kat sini boleh la dikatakan bagus and harga pun still boleh discount...This bengkel is belong to an Indian guy. He is a nice guy but sometimes make me "geram" gak..
My husband : "you have to remember that now you're in Malaysia"
Me : "arghhhh!!"
Harap Malaysia akan berubah ke arah kemajuan yang beradab dan berbudi pekerti tinggi..
Hmmm....I don't think so. How about you? or
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♪ Japanese words of the day ♪
issyou-ni-hiru-gohan-demo-dou ?
Why don't we have lunch (together) ?
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