Ada yg tertanya-tanya tak dah bersalin ke tak?
hanya my feeling yg syok sendiri??
Answer : NOT YET! my is still don't want to check out from
her 7 hotel.
It's ok..I'm very patient waiting for my to come out.
actually,The truth is soooooooooo nervous waiting for contraction
Let's change to other topic la
some flowers along my walking path
sakura on sunny day
so lovely right
sakura is very unique. blossoming just about 1week and after that all
the beautiful will fall down
my rest point.just take a few minutes rest at here during walking exercise.
but sometime about half an hour.
I LOVE this picture.
How about you?
And last picture is
How about you?
And last picture is
my lunch set after pregnancy check up.
Yummy! Yummy! Tummy!
Tummy! Tummy! become more bigger eating this
The end